1. Semester

Elective modules (Master: BC + Immuno) 

In the beginning of the program four elective lecture series are offered to fill gaps or refresh the personal knowledge. The topics are: Cell Biology and Immunology, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry or Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. In two of four topics an exam must be passed. 


Immunology I (Master: Immuno) 

Further information for this module are coming soon!


Methods in life sciences and statistics (Master: BC + Immuno) 

Each week a different speaker—either a member of a LIMES working group or the University Hospital— will give an insight into their field of research. They'll explain different methods in biology with their theoretical background and specific applications using numerous examples. In addition, 4 weeks of statistical lectures are included, covering some necessary mathematics, hypothesis testing or different types of statistics.


Method course I (Master: BC + Immuno) 

This module is composed of three weeks laboratory work with the topics: antibodies as tools in immunology, studying enzyme kinetics and performing fluorescence- and luminescence-based assays. Additionally, two weeks focus on an introduction into R programming and data analysis. The module is finished by preparing protocols for each week and a final exam.